You decided to take the relationship you have with your sugar daddy to the next level and meet in real life for the first time? In this case, besides working out on your apparel and aspect, you will also have to think about the things you will talk about. No one wants to deal with those awkward moments of silence during a meeting. They may happen, but only if you don’t know what to say or what subject to bring forward.
How to avoid moments of silence and ensure the success of your first-time meeting? As a sugar baby, you should know that being able to make proper conversation is an ability that will certainly be appreciated by your sugar daddy. So, before you even head out to your meeting, here are several topics that should be prepared to keep the meeting going and ensure its success. After all, if your sugar daddy will feel good in your company, he will want to see you again soon.
1. See what kind of hobbies you have
Talking about hobbies is always a good thing. People love talking about the things they enjoy doing in their spare time, so this kind of topic can definitely be an ice breaker. Believe it or not, talking about your hobbies or the things you would like to become your hobby can give you a good excuse to enjoy a second date. So, while the first meeting it’s recommended to take place in a more formal manner, the second time you meet you could very well enjoy something more fun. Also, if you talk about hobbies you will discover the things you have in common.
2. Talk about work
It is easy to talk about something that is so familiar. Work is usually very important for sugar daddies, as their work got them where they are now, and that is prosperous and successful men. So, don’t be surprised if you’ll find out that your sugar daddy works hard and faces a busy schedule most of the time. This is why you need to be patient when dating a sugar daddy because we won’t be able to meet you whenever you may like.
Opening up this subject will certainly keep the conversation flowing and will give you the chance to better understand what your sugar daddy is doing. Who knows, maybe he’s working in an environment that may help your future career. Plus, giving your sugar daddy the chance to talk about his work with you will make him feel comfortable and important. Also, by paying attention to what he has to say will stir appreciation and admiration in your sugar daddy, as he will enjoy the fact that you’re interested in his most important activity.
3. If you know a funny story, don’t keep it to yourself
In case something funny or worthy of mentioning happened to you lately, make sure not to keep it for yourself. Maybe you got to live a funny event or you just returned from a very interesting trip. Such topics are always a good idea for a first-time meeting, as they are light, pleasant, and will bring smiles to both of you. So, don’t be afraid to lead the conversation and tell the story as you would to one of your friends. After all, it’s good to remember that a first meeting is not all about asking questions. You wouldn’t like for your sugar daddy to feel like during an interview or interrogatory.
So, if you know a story worthy of bringing up during your meeting, don’t hesitate to lighten up the atmosphere with its help. Also, this works the other way around. If your sugar daddy brought up something interesting along with the conversation but didn’t get the chance to develop it further, make sure to bring it back into the conversation. Topics that make you laugh and give you the chance to enjoy a great time are indeed the best choices you can make.
4. Talk about pets, if you have any
If any of you has a pet, or more, talking about your furry friend is also a good idea. Most pet owners are very attached to their pets and will love talking about them. They are real members of the family and loyal companions, so you have more than enough reasons to bring them up in your conversation. Your sugar daddy doesn’t have a pet? That’s probably due to his busy schedule or often traveling. But, even so, you could ask him what kind of pet he would like to have if things were different.
5. What got you on a sugar daddy dating website in the first place?
This is also a legit subject to approach at your first meeting. It may be interesting to find out and share the reasons both of you ended up using a sugar daddy website. Of course, bear in mind that there’s the possibility for your sugar daddy to avoid answering this question. He may have the sensation that you’ll judge if you find out the reasons behind making such a choice. So, if he doesn’t want to go further with this question, it’s okay, you should not insist on it. If you two get along and everything is going on as expected and desired, there’s no need to worry.
Even if your sugar daddy won’t open up on this subject, you could, as this will make them feel more comfortable. Sharing the reasons for making such a choice is not wrong because being honest and genuine will be appreciated. So, don’t hesitate to show that side of you, allowing your sugar daddy to get you to know you better.
6. If possible, talk about future plans
When we say future plans, we’re not talking about where you see yourself five years from now. We’re talking about near-future plans. For example, if you’re meeting at the beginning of the week or during the weekend, you could ask about plans for the coming week. If you’re close to the weekend, you could talk about plans for the weekend. This way you will find out more about friends and lifestyle, checking out, at the same time, if you two really match.